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HNZ Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist
Over 30 Years Experience!
Wanganui Hypnotherapy Clinic

Grant Boddington

  Modern Suggestive Hypnotherapy for Professionals


Practical Skills for 21st Century Hypnotherapists!
Out of Print - Now only available as a downloadable EBOOK!
(PDF format)

Modern Suggestive Hypnotherapy for Professionals is the product of nearly 20 years practical experience in the field of hypnosis. It is more a product of my own observations during those recent years, than a collection of re-hashed old-fashioned ideas. Contained within the pages of this book is a collection of my opinions, observations, experiences and thoughts. 

Hypnotherapy itself is largely about communications.  From your very first contact with every client, your communication skills are your advantage. Use them effectively and you can create an opportunity to facilitate great changes in many people. Use them ineffectively, and you’ll be left in the dark ages of authoritarian hypnotists who sought only to feed their own egos by exerting control over a few submissive clients. Today’s clients are much more aware and knowledgeable concerning matters of control, personal rights and taking responsibility for one’s own thoughts, words, actions and life!

Modern Suggestive Hypnotherapy for Professionals is primarily intended as an educational reference book for hypnotherapists with at least a basic working knowledge and preferably experience of the principles and applications of hypnotherapy. It is also designed to be an interesting and anecdotal vehicle to share many of my theories and practical applications of techniques that have evolved during the last 30+ years in Suggestive Hypnotherapy. I’m sure that some of the material will instigate much discussion in the hypnotherapy profession. 

It is ‘how-to fine-tuning’ text for modern hypnotherapists who want to assist their clients more swiftly and more effectively. Adopting many of the styles and techniques in this book may well facilitate a huge increase of referral business from satisfied clients. 

It should also be of benefit to anyone with experience in other forms of natural therapy wanting to use Modern Suggestive Hypnotherapy as an extra tool for their clients – although I very definitely recommend attending a practical hypnotherapy course first. 

In this book, I share the techniques I've developed over many years of clinical testing and tuning - including:

  • The ‘Programming Ps’ Rule 
  • The ‘Client Personality Type' Triangle 
  • The ‘Conscious  Subconscious Interaction' Model 
  • The ‘States of Awareness' Model 
But I’m sure others have worked out similar models, rules and tendencies of their own. As the old saying goes: “There’s nothing new under the sun.” So I’m not trying to re-invent the wheel, but sharing my thoughts, theories and experiences of a style of hypnotherapy that has brought me much so pleasure and satisfaction since the penultimate decade of the last century! 

I firmly believe that the same Modern Suggestive Hypnotherapy I enjoy providing and that my client praise so much, will soon be in the toolkit of many thousands more natural therapy practitioners as they come to realise how simple and effective it is. 

As an important part of this book (as with all of my other hypnotherapy training materials) you, as a buyer, are offered a personal mentoring service as a professional Modern Suggestive Hypnotherapist.  After all, this is Modern Suggestive Hypnotherapy - and we’re in it together!

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(Out of Print - Now only available as an Ebook.)



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Grant's approach is easy to understand and one can quickly apply his techniques and scripts in their practice. I am even using his techniques in my own clinic.

Grant writes material that is immediately applicable.  He offers many useful techniques that even an inexperienced Hypnotherapist like me will find fresh and highly effective.

Fantastic book written by Grant showing both the application and evidence behind Hypnosis.  I would recommend this book as a a must have an any aspiring and even qualified Hypnotherapist's book-shelf.  Thanks Grant. Fantastic book.
Sonny Brady HNZDH and Professional Member of Hypnosis New Zealand, Whakatane

As I read this book, it quickly became obvious that Grant has a thorough knowledge of his subject, and for those of us seeking a comprehensive reference guide, that is easy to read and understand, without a lot of technical jargon, this is the perfect book.

Like any job, it is the preparation that governs the end result. Grant places a great deal of importance on the initial client interview, and subsequent building of rapport, which he says is absolutely crucial to a successful hypnotherapy session. He explains why this is so, and provides many valuable tips and techniques for achieving this. He tells how to identify and deal with various personality types, from the highly suggestible client through to the difficult client.

Grant not only covers all aspects of Hypnotherapy, but he gives clear and precise reasons for their application. As with a lot of things that we do on a regular basis, we tend to find little shortcuts or forget to include various simple techniques, that we may have considered irrelevant to the client session. I found that Grant gave very valid reasons why a lot of these techniques are so important. This in turn will make the reader re-evaluate many of their own practices.

 The whole book is almost a script in itself as it guides you through the complete client session process, from the induction through to the awakening, with many great little gems of information along the way.

 Grant finishes his book with many sound guidelines for setting up and conducting a successful business. These include tips on advertising, options for client rooms, your legal obligations, communicating with your local doctor and much, much more. This book is a very definite work that could well become the ABC of Suggestive Hypnotherapy.
Val McIntosh Hypnotherapist Wellington

Contact Grant Boddington
Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist - with over 30 years experience!

Grant Boddington
Cnr Gonville Ave & Heads Rd 
Wanganui 4501
New Zealand

Mobile/Text: 021 447 481

Email: grant@grantboddington.com


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